Transit solutions for telematics

Lower operating costs, enhance asset ROI, foster safety, and improve driver behaviors through real-time data and early issue detection.

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For Riders

Know you are safe and travel with certainty.

Provide the safety and security that passengers need to feel comfortable in transit - on board cameras that track driver performance and passenger behavior, real-time GPS tracking to share with others and monitor vehicle route, rider onboard counting, and a lot more.

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For Drivers

When safety is a priority, tech is of the essence.

Leverage safety scores and incentives to encourage safer driving.

  • Personal Safety Cameras to diffuse tense situations and record footage.
  • Automatic driver recognition to assigned vehicle.
  • Real-time access to all camera angles on a vehicle so drivers can maintain full visibility of their surroundings.
  • Advanced AI detects road and driver events, identifying potential safety hazards for preventive action.
  • Exonerate drivers in accident claim and expedite at-fault claims, simplifying the insurance process.
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For Vehicles

Open platform that connects and integrates.

Integration with telematics vendor codes, including accurate and meaningful descriptions. Vendor alert filtering and mapping, meter reading export and import, safety cameras integration, vehicle performance alerts, fuel dispensing and reporting, and more.

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For Operations

Next level safety features that help protect everyone.

Give your riders and your staff peace of mind through integrated cameras and GPS systems that provide real-time updates.

  • Track driver behavior and provide coaching and training in near real-time.
  • Customize alerts and capture a 360-degree view with premium internal and external camera solutions.
  • Video footage captures the true side of events so you can resolve conflicts or insurance claims.
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For Technicians

Harness the power of telematics for optimal fleet management.

With its GPS tracking and on-board diagnostic reading capabilities, telematics provides a wealth of data including asset usage, driver behavior, fuel consumption, and diagnostic trouble codes. This crucial information enables:

  • Efficient maintenance practices.
  • Swift resolution of issues.
  • Enhanced fleet safety through driver training.
  • Cost reduction by optimizing routes and reducing idling.
  • Proof of service and training videos with personal safety cameras.
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Discover how Transit Technologies can transform your business.

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