June 17, 2024

TripShot Launches New External Codes Feature

TripShot Launches New External Codes Feature

The mobility technology company’s latest feature allows transit managers to surface rideshare codes within the TripShot rider app

SAN JOSE, Calif. JUNE 4, 2024 – External Codes is the latest feature from TripShot, a leading transportation management solution for companies, universities, and other organizations. TripShot is a SaaS platform for powering mobility and is the chosen provider of top-tier tech companies as well as other types of transit programs.

With the new External Codes feature, transportation systems can now offer a rideshare code in case a rider needs an unexpected ride home. If a rider misses the last shuttle or needs to get somewhere quickly, they can grab a rideshare code from the TripShot rider app and easily book a ride.

“The External Codes feature offers undeniable reliability. This means that commuters can use your transportation program knowing that they always have a ride in the case of an emergency or unplanned trip. This helps organizations to reduce parking costs and boost utilization of shared and sustainable transit options.” said Patrick Le, Co-Founder and General Manager at TripShot.

As a longstanding leader in corporate commute solutions, TripShot now integrates rideshare codes to encourage drivers to try their transit programs, knowing they can use a ride code in the case of an unexpected situation. This provides peace of mind for riders and encourages the use of sustainable transportation options, ultimately helping to reduce traffic congestion and parking demand.

“We are excited about the potential of the External Codes feature to make transportation options even more reliable and convenient. It's just one more way that TripShot is helping to improve the transportation experience for riders,” said Chana Brooke, Director of Product at TripShot. 

About TripShot

TripShot, a Transit Technologies company, is the mobility operating system built for the future of transportation. TripShot helps public and private sectors who want seamless and connected transit solutions. With its cutting-edge all-in-one operating system, TripShot is the single platform to replace the old complex commuter and fleet management system. Platform solutions include Fixed Route, On Demand, FlexRide, Parking, Reservations, Digital Wallet, CAD/AVL, GTFS-RT and Capacity Management. Please visit to learn more or get in touch.

About Transit Technologies

Transit Technologies is revolutionizing mobility with market leading technology solutions that connects communities, empowers journeys, enables access to healthcare, and keeps everyone safe along the way.

Transit Technologies’ seamlessly integrated solutions optimize the productivity, safety and efficiency of any sized fleet; public or private. Through its market leading products - Ecolane, FASTER Asset Solutions, Passio Technologies, MJM Innovations, TripMaster, TripShot, and Vestige - Transit Technologies has assembled and end-to-end solution for even the most complex of transit networks. For more information about Transit Technologies, our products and services, or how we can partner for success, please visit

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Danny Drees

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